Important Dates
August 1
Team registration begins
Only 1 team captain will need to complete the registration along with submitting the $300 deposit.
The first 10 teams to submit their deposit will be guaranteed a spot in the 2024 event.
Team captains, their drivers, and/or the number of drivers are allowed to change prior to August 31, 2024. This allows a captain to register a team even if they aren't sure of all their details.
August 31
Final team information due
A completed list of driver names are due so that a total number of participants can be determined.
In addition, each driver will need to complete a bio of themselves as well as submit a picture of their helmet for media relation purposes.
September 1
Final Payment Due
Team captains will be contacted to collect final payment for the race.
$7,000 in prize money!
1st place: $4,000
2nd place: $2,000
3rd place: $1,000